Sustainable Development Goals
– In 2017/2018 eS4W mapped our core issues to the SDGs
Working with Justice Equality Rights Access (JERA) International using a gender analysis, eS4W developed the economic Security 4 Women (eS4W) ‘Mapping the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) for scaling up the Australian Government in its priorities and commitments to gender equality and the SDGs’ study. This innovative, interactive and inclusive study with eS4W members investigated knowledge and strategic actions around the SDGs. It is clear that as members of one of the 6 national women’s alliances eS4W members can be highly influential in shaping policy and strategic actions around the different areas in which they work.
The Aim
The aim of this study was to investigate the overall level of eS4W members knowledge and strategic engagement around the SDGs, and if any member organisations are fully engaging with this platform at the national level.
The Outcomes
Outcome 1:
Raised organisational awareness of how to use the SDGs to advance key organisational issues between Australian women orgs and government through member organisation initiatives
Outcome 2:
Strengthening capacity of eS4W membership base to actively contribute to Alliance work and Identify, contribute and respond to policy development and implementation
Outcome 3:
eS4W member priorities aligned to the SDG’s, CEDAW and BPFA
Outcome 4:
Mapping of members engagement
The Final Report
The final report based on results from this study jointly conducted by eS4W and JERA International. This report shares the insights and findings gained from eS4W member organisations knowledge and expertise. This study is associated with eS4W Priority 3 Economic Sustainability for 2017-2018. This area of work was highlighted as a key priority for eS4W members at the face-to-face strategic meeting held in May 2017.
The top 4 SDGs identified:
- Goal 5: By 2030 Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls
- Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
- Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
- Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages