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economic Security4Women (eS4W) is a proud supporter of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s (WGEA) new pay equity campaign featuring ‘Daughter Water’ a magical potion designed to help CEO’s conceive baby girls.

CEOs call for focus on equal pay as gender reporting data exposes widespread inaction.


  • Three in four employers haven’t done a gender pay gap analysis
  • New website allows employees to check their employer’s approach to pay equity
  • 32 CEOs lend their support to call for action on pay equity

WGEA’S campaign

Leaders who’ve taken action on gender equality often talk about a light bulb moment that helped them see gender equality issues in a different light. For many, this moment involved having a daughter. (Indeed, international research backs it up, showing that when CEOs have a daughter, the pay gap shrinks in their organisation!)

So to raise awareness of the importance of looking at payroll data to ensure women and men are being paid fairly, the Workplace Gender Equality Agency has created Daughter Water, a drink to help CEOs have daughters. They have sent bottles of Daughter Water to over 3,000 CEOs who told us they haven’t done a gender pay gap analysis.

WGEA hope it’ll help them have their own light bulb moment, and make pay equity a priority.

Employees will also be able to see whether their employer has taken steps to address pay equity on our campaign website and if not, send their employer a link to our freely available pay equity tools and resources.

Obviously, we don’t really need to CEOs to have daughters to improve pay equity – we just need more of them to take the first step and do a gender pay gap analysis.

Introducing Daughter Water! Can a drink close the gender pay gap? Daughter Water has been expertly formulated to do just that. Watch to find out how

Media releases

eS4W_Media Release_DaughterWater20140930
FINAL CASH MR National Pay Equity Campaign launch (2)
eS4WGenderDisaster Media Release20140922

Introduction of the Modular Online Time Use Survey (MOTUS)

Show you support – A Time Use Survey: the why, the who, the need, the when and the how.

#EPD2017 support women in sport

Women in all sports have been fighting for a decade for a level playing field – equal pay for equal value. So are we. How did they get this far and what does it mean for women playing and leading in sport today?