Reform to deductions for education expenses – 12 July 2013
The review of Paid Parental Leave scheme – 31 May 2013
The 2016 Census of Population and Housing – 31 May 2013
Census Submission to CSAG – 17th April 2013
Submission Inquiry Technical and further Education – 17th April 2013
Prebudget Submission – 31st January 2013
Workplace Gender Equality Indicators Submission – 29th January 2013
Introduction of the Modular Online Time Use Survey (MOTUS)
Show you support – A Time Use Survey: the why, the who, the need, the when and the how.
#EPD2017 support women in sport
Women in all sports have been fighting for a decade for a level playing field – equal pay for equal value. So are we. How did they get this far and what does it mean for women playing and leading in sport today?