Disasters such as COVID-19 serve to highlight the inequalities that already exist within our society. eS4W and member organisation Women’s Health & Wellbeing Barwon South West (WHWBSW) have partnered to advance a more informed and representative dialogue between women and key decision makers (including government) to bring about change for women’s economic independence and financial security during COVID-19 and beyond.
On Wednesday, 3rd June, WHWBSW and eS4W held a Virtual Roundtable Discussion “Women’s economic security – what has COVID-19 taught us?”,
The discussion was recorded – please view below:
To see more of the work of our partnership please visit WHWBSW’s COVID-19 info and resource hub.
The rich information gleaned from this event is being used to:
- inform eS4W’s advocacy to the federal government regarding women’s economic security and their roadmap for the next 9 months;
- Support WHWBSW to develop the resources and capacity building initiatives needed for partners to action women’s economic security and support Gen Vic’s Gender Equality and COVID-19 in Victoria Joint Statement and Back on track advocacy at a state level
- Inform broader partnership work
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