Justice Equality Rights Access International (JERA) has undertaken a project on behalf of economic Security4 Women, that investigates the economic issues and challenges that impact women in disaster affected areas, in particular the flood affected areas in Queensland and Victoria. This project explored how disaster relief can be improved to address sustainable economic recovery in relation to rebuilding business and/or the resumption of income pathways for Australian women, but also determined the additional skills women have gained by participating in community rebuilding, and how these can be recognised to further empower women economically in the future.
We collaborated with key players of the disaster response as well as women in the communities, particularly employed or self-employed, to ascertain how their economic situation has changed since the floods. Our research addressed women’s access to government grants, business support, childcare and disaster relief programmes to determine where improvements are needed. It explored any additional and/or gender specific issues that women face in the recovery of disaster that impact specifically on their re-entry into the economy.
The aim of the consultative forum was to gather women’s experiences and to highlight key strategies employed to maintain a living, and share suggestions for ways in which disaster relief can be improved for Australian women affected.
For a copy of the REPORT click here –
eS4W_Womens Voices from the Flood Plains_Report
For a copy of the BACKGROUND PAPER click here – eS4W_VoicesFloodplainsBackgroundPaper20130213
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#EPD2017 support women in sport
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