The Australian Care Economy
Who Cares! National Forum
There was no escaping the cost of abandoning this obligation, as demonstrated clearly by more than fourteen International and Australian speakers at the JERA International Who Cares! National forum in Melbourne on Monday 20th February 2017.
Read eS4W Media Release
A Lack of Fair Sharing
In Australia, women constitute the majority of primary paid care providers, with approximately three times as many women employed in the paid care sector as men. Latest figures show that average paid care sector worker earns 96 cents for every dollar earned by the average Australian workers. Women in the paid care sector earn 84 cents for every dollar earned by their male counterparts. This does not reflect pay discrepancies for males and females in the same roles, rather it reflects the number of males in higher level (and higher paid) roles.
Counting on Care Work in Australia
eS4W commissioned the AECGroup to gain quantitative data to support a change in the economic wellbeing of female carers in the Care Economy. eS4W commissioned this study using a similar methodology to the Counting on Care Work study in Massachusetts using data from, for example, the 2006 Census of Population and Housing and the 2006 Time Use Survey. This study required estimates to be calculated (or updated) of the economic value of both paid and unpaid ‘care work’ in Australia.
This report was launched on Wednesday, 19th September, 2012 in Canberra.
Scoping the Australian Care Economy
The objectives of this project were to scope the Australian care economy by identifying recent literature to:
- Examine how the care economy may be defined
- Identify the issues relevant to paid and unpaid care
- Collate a list of public policies which provide government support to the care economy
- Identify the impact of the care economy on women’s economic wellbeing
- Research recent statistics on the Australian care economy
- Identify gaps in the literature and areas for further research
For a full copy of the Report – click Scoping the care economy report
Introduction of the Modular Online Time Use Survey (MOTUS)
Show you support – A Time Use Survey: the why, the who, the need, the when and the how.
#EPD2017 support women in sport
Women in all sports have been fighting for a decade for a level playing field – equal pay for equal value. So are we. How did they get this far and what does it mean for women playing and leading in sport today?