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Boosting women’s workforce participation

Women into non-traditional occupations and industries

  • eS4W’s objective is to improve opportunities for women in non-traditional occupations and emerging industries with a focus on challenging gender occupation stereotypes for girls.
  • eS4W in 2015-2016 continue to engage member organisations and external stakeholders – including individual women – in the identification and raised profile of gender specific career exploration projects, role models and mentors. And continue to engage with government (federal, state and territory) and its agencies and promote to them the findings of the Career Exploration research and the economic and social benefits of applying a gender lens to career guidance.
  • Work to date can be found at:

Girls can do anything!

Women into non-traditional occupations

Gender equity in the SME workplace

  • eS4W’s objective is to provide online resources that promote the advantages of gender equity, tailored for and promoted to SME sector.
  • eS4W in 2015-2016 continue to engage member organisations and external stakeholders including WGEA and business and industry groups and relevant government portfolios and agencies in the promotion of these resources.
  • Work to date can be found at:

Gender Equity/Pay Equity

Financial literacy – savings and investment

  • eS4W’s objective is raise the profile of financial literacy and how it relates to the economic security of of women with a focus on engaging and educating young women about strategies to improve women’s superannuation and retirement savings.
  • eS4W in 2015-2016 continue to engage women’s groups and individual women and link with existing financial literacy resources in partnership with Office for Women and ASIC.
  • Work to date can be found at:

Gender wealth equity: Financial Literacy

Know you value – an online check list

Letter to your younger self – What piece of financial advice do you wish you’d known when you were younger?

Overarching focus on women’s economic security over the life-course

  • Lifelong economic wellbeing for women in Australia
  • eS4W’s Lifelong Economic Wellbeing for Women in Australia project will be an informed dialogue with a diverse range of women in Australia to determine their perceptions of and issues relating to their economic security and wellbeing across their lifecycle. The study will include forums and an online survey and is expected to reveal the economic challenges and/or opportunities that impact on women economic wellbeing and to inform eS4W’s public policy advocacy on matters that impact women.
  • Visit –
  • Women, work and domestic violence; a report on the evidence positioning domestic violence as a work place issue and outline strategies plus implications for nation, that reduce/limit the impact on women’s economic well-being and on productivity
  • eS4W_DomesticViolenceIsAWorkplaceIssue20151125
  • Women and Work Parliamentary Friendship Group
  • Visit –

Collaboration projects with National Women’s Alliances (NWA)

  • Development of International Agenda
    • The NWA’s aim to empower women’s organisations to actively participate in international human rights processes and to help organisations to identify opportunities for using the outcomes of international processes in their domestic work. In particular, the NWA’s aim to empower women’s organisations to contribute to the establishment and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Provide education forums and opportunities for information sharing about international human rights processes which are relevant to women, including CSW and CEDAW reporting.

Identify and consult key stakeholders e.g. AG and F&S networks, NWA, Australian Human Rights Commission to ensure that particularly marginalised women’s voices are represented.

Actively participate in the CSW process

  • WomenVote – a website in development
    • This project aims to promote women’s effective electoral participation and encourage debate about issues of importance to women, including women’s workplace participation and economic security across the life cycle, violence against women and women’s leadership.

Introduction of the Modular Online Time Use Survey (MOTUS)

Show you support – A Time Use Survey: the why, the who, the need, the when and the how.

#EPD2017 support women in sport

Women in all sports have been fighting for a decade for a level playing field – equal pay for equal value. So are we. How did they get this far and what does it mean for women playing and leading in sport today?